Beginners running table—age, over 35


If you want to start practicing, you should first get a thorough physical examination by a doctor.

Beginners running table—age, over 35


If you want to start practicing, you should first get a thorough physical examination by a doctor.

If you are overweight, smoke, have a family history of cardiac diseases or do not regularly participate in physical activity, you should undergo ergo-metric screening and be evaluated by a cardiologist. Do not skip this exam, we actually know some people who have had a major cardiac event during the initial phases of training.

This running schedule should only be used under the supervision of a certified instructor who has been trained in the adjustment of such a schedule to your specific needs. Do not use it on your own.

Where to start?

Before beginning a running table, start with your present exercise routine. If you run 5 minutes once a week, start with 5 minutes, even though you might be capable of running for half an hour. If you haven't been running recently, start at the beginning, even if you run in your youth.

It's better to run outside on rough terrain.

  • Field running over uneven terrain divides the effort across many joints and lowers the injury rate.
  • It's more interesting.
  • You will have more energy.
  • The changing terrain makes you sharp and focuses your attention on your feet and how you lay them down.
  • In most cases, the terrain absorbs the landing forces better than many artificial surfaces.

Tips and insights

A sidewalk or concrete surface does not absorb the landing forces well but often no other surface is available. It's better than nothing. Asphalt is considered a mediocre shock absorber but running on roads is dangerous.

Running on deep dry sand for long periods of time changes the running form and decreases velocity; we do not recommend it as a habit unless you are preparing for a special situation.

Treadmill running is good only for beginners. It is comfortable, accessible, and there is the presence of the other gender, but in the long term it can be destructive because monotonous running overloads certain joints and doesn't promote the development of attention skills which are crucial for running outside.

Do not run with earphones. The music can influence the pace of your running and make it too fast.

Week/Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1st week 5 min run 5 min run Strength 5 min run 5 min run Strength Rest or run if missed
2nd week 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
3rd week 7 min. run 7 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 7 min. run 7 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
4th week 7 min. run 7 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 7 min. run 7 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
5th week 9 min. run 9 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 9 min. run 9 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
6th week 9 min. run 9 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 9 min. run 9 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
7th week 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
8th week 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 5 min. run 5 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
9th week 11 min. run 11 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 11 min. run 11 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
10th week 11 min. run 11 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 11 min. run 11 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
11th week 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
11th week 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
13th week 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
14th week 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 12 min. run 12 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
15th week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
16th week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
17th week 15 min. run 75% speed 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
18th week 15 min. run 75% speed 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
19th week 15 min. run 75% speed 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
20th week 15 min. run 75% speed 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
21th week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
22nd week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
23rd week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 30 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
24th week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 30 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
25th week 15 min. run running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
26th week 15 min. run running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
27th week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
28th week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
29th week 15 min. run 15 min. run do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
30th week 15 min. run running 20 minutes5 middle minutes fast 85% do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 30 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
31st week 15 min. run running 20 minutes 5 middle minutes fast 85% do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 30 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
32nd week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes5 middle minutes fast 85% do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 25 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
33rd week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
34th week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
35th week running 25 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
36th week running 25 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 35 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
37th week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 40 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
38th week running 20 minutes running 20 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 40 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
39th week running 20 minutes running 25 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 40 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one
40th week running 20 minutes running 25 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 running 20 minutes running 45 minutes do strength table after the age of 30 rest, or run if you missed one Rest, or run if you missed one