Levels of Violence: A Strategic Perspective

By Yossi Sheriff

A Strategic and Ethical Perspective

The Levels of Violence (L.O.V) concept in martial arts is not merely a scale of physical force; it's a nuanced framework for understanding the multifaceted nature of conflict. This approach resonates with Sun Tzu's strategic principles of deception and adaptability, as well as Edward Luttwak's paradoxical logic of strategy. Where Sun Tzu emphasizes the art of winning without fighting, L.O.V provides a granular understanding of force application when conflict is unavoidable. Luttwak's assertion that the most direct path often leads to the greatest resistance finds its martial counterpart in L.O.V's emphasis on measured, strategic force application.

Video: Levels of Violence in Honbu Dojo

Video: Levels of Violence in Hamburg Seminar

Levels of Violence (L.O.V), (רמת אלימות) in the Methodical Pyramid of AKBAN transcends the conventional understanding of martial arts techniques. It's a holistic framework that integrates physical, psychological, and ethical dimensions of conflict. This multifaceted approach allows practitioners to assess not just the immediate physical consequences of their actions, but also the broader strategic implications and ethical ramifications.

The application of L.O.V in kata analysis and technique methodology transforms these practices from mere physical exercises into complex strategic simulations. By considering the tori's intent, the engagement context, and the ethical implications of actions, L.O.V bridges the gap between ancient martial wisdom and modern conflict resolution strategies. This synthesis aligns with Sun Tzu's emphasis on comprehensive understanding of conflict dynamics and Luttwak's insights into the non-linear nature of strategy, while also incorporating the ethical principles championed by Detant and AKBAN.

Ethical Considerations in Levels of Violence

The integration of ethics into the L.O.V framework represents a crucial evolution in martial arts philosophy. AKBAN's ethical code, emphasizing respect for life and minimal force, dovetails with Detant's focus on de-escalation and non-violent conflict resolution. This ethical dimension transforms L.O.V from a mere tactical tool into a comprehensive approach to conflict management:

  1. Minimal Force Principle: This principle, foundational to L.O.V, echoes the Hippocratic oath's "first, do no harm" in a martial context. It challenges practitioners to solve conflicts with the least force necessary, fostering creativity in conflict resolution.
  2. De-escalation Priority: By prioritizing de-escalation, L.O.V aligns martial arts practice with modern conflict resolution theories. This approach requires practitioners to develop a sophisticated understanding of human psychology and communication.
  3. Proportional Response: The concept of proportionality in L.O.V mirrors legal and ethical standards in self-defense and warfare. It demands constant situational awareness and rapid ethical decision-making from practitioners.
  4. Intent and Consequence: This consideration introduces a profound ethical dimension to martial practice. It requires practitioners to engage in ongoing moral reasoning, considering both immediate and long-term consequences of their actions.

Interrelation of Target Areas and Levels of Violence

The strategic selection of target areas within the L.O.V framework represents a microcosm of broader strategic principles. This aspect of L.O.V embodies Sun Tzu's emphasis on precision and Luttwak's paradoxical approach to warfare. The choice of target area becomes not just a physical decision, but a complex ethical and strategic calculation.

The spectrum of target areas in martial arts, ranging from pressure points to larger muscle groups, creates a granular scale of potential force application. This granularity allows for fine-tuned responses to threats, embodying the L.O.V principle of proportional response. The strategic implications of target selection extend beyond immediate physical effects, influencing psychological impact, long-term consequences, and ethical considerations.

Ethical Implications of Target Selection:

  1. Harm Minimization: The selection of less vulnerable targets represents a practical application of the minimal force principle. This approach challenges practitioners to develop precise control and deep anatomical knowledge.
  2. Reversibility of Damage: Considering the long-term implications of target selection introduces a temporal dimension to ethical martial practice. It requires practitioners to balance immediate effectiveness with long-term moral considerations.
  3. Legal and Moral Considerations: The alignment of target selection with legal self-defense standards places martial arts practice within a broader societal context. This consideration transforms martial artists into de facto ethicists, constantly navigating the intersection of effectiveness, legality, and morality.
  4. Escalation Control: Strategic target selection as a means of controlling conflict escalation represents a sophisticated application of L.O.V principles. It requires practitioners to develop a nuanced understanding of pain, incapacitation, and psychological deterrence.

The interrelation of target areas and levels of violence in martial arts emerges as a complex system, integrating physical technique, strategic thinking, and ethical consideration. This multifaceted approach transforms martial arts from a mere physical discipline into a comprehensive framework for understanding and managing conflict at all levels.

Application of Levels of Violence in Law Enforcement

The application of L.O.V principles in law enforcement represents a critical bridge between martial arts philosophy and practical peacekeeping. In an era where police use of force is under intense scrutiny, L.O.V offers a nuanced framework for training and decision-making that aligns with community expectations and ethical standards.

Minimizing Use of Force in Police Work

  1. De-escalation Techniques: L.O.V-based training in de-escalation represents a paradigm shift in law enforcement, prioritizing conflict resolution over force application. This approach requires officers to develop advanced interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.
  2. Graduated Response: The concept of graduated response in L.O.V aligns with modern policing standards of proportionality. It demands that officers develop a diverse toolkit of responses and the judgment to apply them appropriately.
  3. Non-lethal Options: The emphasis on non-lethal force options within the L.O.V framework encourages ongoing innovation in law enforcement technology and tactics. This focus on minimizing harm while maintaining effectiveness echoes broader societal debates about the role and methods of policing.
  4. Situational Awareness: L.O.V's emphasis on situational awareness in law enforcement contexts goes beyond physical threat assessment. It requires officers to consider complex socio-cultural factors and potential long-term community impacts of their actions.
  5. Legal and Ethical Compliance: By internalizing L.O.V principles, law enforcement officers are better equipped to navigate the complex legal and ethical landscape of modern policing. This approach transforms split-second decisions into expressions of deeply ingrained ethical training.

Strategic Military Applications of Levels of Violence

At the strategic military level, L.O.V principles offer a sophisticated framework for understanding and managing the use of force in complex geopolitical contexts. This application of L.O.V demonstrates how martial arts philosophy can inform high-level strategic thinking.

L.O.V in Strategic Military Thinking

  1. Proportional Response Doctrine: L.O.V-informed proportional response doctrines represent a nuanced approach to international conflict, balancing deterrence with diplomatic considerations. This approach requires military strategists to develop a deep understanding of geopolitical dynamics and potential second-order effects of military actions.
  2. Escalation Management: The application of L.O.V principles in managing conflict escalation at a strategic level demands sophisticated game theory analysis and psychological insight. It transforms military strategy from a binary peace/war dichotomy into a nuanced spectrum of force projection.
  3. Non-kinetic Warfare: The development of non-kinetic warfare strategies within the L.O.V framework represents a revolution in military thinking. It expands the concept of warfare to include economic, informational, and cyber domains, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to strategy.
  4. Precision in Force Application: L.O.V's emphasis on precision at the strategic level drives technological innovation and raises complex ethical questions about the nature of warfare in the modern age.
  5. Conflict Prevention: The application of L.O.V principles in conflict prevention strategies at the highest levels of military planning aligns with Sun Tzu's ideal of winning without fighting. This approach requires a sophisticated integration of diplomatic, economic, and military strategies.
  6. Humanitarian Considerations: L.O.V's focus on minimizing civilian casualties and collateral damage in military strategy represents a critical ethical evolution in warfare. It challenges military planners to balance tactical objectives with long-term humanitarian and geopolitical considerations.
  7. Resource Allocation: Strategic L.O.V analysis in military resource allocation demands a nuanced understanding of force capabilities and potential conflict scenarios. This approach transforms military budgeting and training from mere logistics into a complex strategic calculus.
  8. International Cooperation: The use of L.O.V principles to facilitate international military cooperation represents a sophisticated application of martial arts philosophy to geopolitics. It requires the development of common ethical and operational frameworks across diverse cultural and strategic traditions.

The integration of L.O.V principles into law enforcement and military strategic thinking represents a profound evolution in the application of force by state actors. It transforms these institutions from mere instruments of power into complex ethical agents, constantly navigating the delicate balance between security, justice, and human rights.


The Levels of Violence concept, particularly when integrated with ethical frameworks like those of AKBAN and Detant, emerges as a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of conflict in the modern world. It transcends its martial arts origins, offering insights applicable to personal self-defense, law enforcement, military strategy, and even international relations.

By emphasizing strategic thinking, ethical decision-making, and responsible use of force, L.O.V challenges practitioners at all levels to engage in ongoing moral and strategic reasoning. It transforms the practice of martial arts from a mere physical discipline into a comprehensive philosophy of conflict management and resolution.

In a world grappling with complex security challenges and ethical dilemmas, the L.O.V framework offers a nuanced approach to understanding and managing violence. It suggests that the highest expression of martial skill lies not in the ability to cause harm, but in the wisdom to navigate conflict with minimal force and maximal consideration for human dignity and societal well-being.

As we continue to explore and refine the L.O.V concept, we open new avenues for interdisciplinary research and practical application. The future development of this framework may well contribute to more ethical, effective, and humane approaches to conflict resolution at all levels of human interaction.