03 January 2013, Musha dori in Randori, Tani Otoshi from clinch and Sode Sutemi Nage - Ninjutsu training lessons
These are January the 3rd Ninjutsu training videos and Ninjutsu techniques from the Tel Aviv dojo learned at January the 2013.
We practiced on a variation of Musha dori in Randori, a Tani Otoshi throw in a wrestling clinch and a Sutemi variation of Sode Tsurikomi Goshi.
Hebrew link
- ה-03 בינואר, 2013, גושה דורי בקרב אימון, טני אוטושי בקלינצ' וסודה סוטמי נגה - אימון נינג'יטסו בוידאו
Video of Musha Dori (Gosha Dori) henka, Tani otoshi and variant of Sode Tsurikomi Goshi
Video of Ninjutsu Kamae Moto gata
Videos of Himum
- AKBAN fitness - The AKBAN Fitness routine, complete with gradual running and power tables