Kata mune dori no kata, Shoden Omote Gata level, Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtaijutsu

By Yossi Sheriff

Video of Kata Munedori

This Kata is shown with Dr. Dan Hashimshony

Kata Mune Dori, 片胸捕, Capturing the side of the chest, (קטה מונה דורי) is a basic kata from the Takagi Yoshin Ryu.

Description of Katamune Dori

Uke grabs tori's shirt or lapel with his right. Tori holds uke's hand with his left and attacks with a right Ura shuto to uke's eyes. Tori then attacks with a right kick to uke's right leg and performs Ura gyaku taking him down to the ground.

