03 January 2013, Musha dori in Randori, Tani Otoshi from clinch and Sode Sutemi Nage - Ninjutsu training lessons

By Yossi Sheriff

These are January the 3rd Ninjutsu training videos and Ninjutsu techniques from the Tel Aviv dojo learned at January the 2013.

We practiced on a variation of Musha dori in Randori, a Tani Otoshi throw in a wrestling clinch and a Sutemi variation of Sode Tsurikomi Goshi.

Hebrew link

Video of Musha Dori (Gosha Dori) henka, Tani otoshi and variant of Sode Tsurikomi Goshi

Video of Ninjutsu Kamae Moto gata

Videos of Himum


  • AKBAN fitness - The AKBAN Fitness routine, complete with gradual running and power tables